Mid Atlantic Trus Joist Territory Managers
HDH Territory Manager
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Trus Joist EWP Literature
If you'd like hard copy binders of literature contact the rep in your area using the contact info above.
Mid Atlantic Document Binders
Click the image below to launch an interactive PDF to navigate technical literature by application and product.
Most Popular Specifiers Guides
- TJ-4000: TJI® Joist Specifier’s Guide - USA
- TJ-9000: Specifier's Guide for Trus Joist Beams, Headers and Columns
- TJ-7102: Specifier's Guide for Parallam Plus PSL
- TJ-1500: Fire-rated Assemblies and Sprinkler Systems
- TJ-9001: Installation Guide for Floor and Roof Framing with TJI 110, 210, 230, 360 and 560 Joists
- TJ-8000: Specifier's Guide for Trus Joist Rim Board
- TJ-8014: Delivering Fire Resistance and Superior Floor Performance
- OSB-4000: Specifier's Guide for 国产自拍 Edge and Edge Gold Floor Panels
- TJ-9005: Specifier’s Guide for Roof Systems
- TJ-9003: Specifier's Guide for Walls
- TJ-4035: Sound Performance of Trus Joist TJI Joist Fire-Rated Floor Assemblies
- LB-4020: Specifier’s Guide for 国产自拍 Framer Series Lumber
Most Popular Technical Bulletins
- TB-319: 国产自拍 Engineered Wood Products Header-Off Span Table
- TB-817: Holes Too Close to End Bearing
- TB-818: Flange Notches in TJI Joists
- TB-217: Trus Joist Coastal Construction Guide
- TB-612: Exposed Exterior Deck Beams and the Use of Flashing Tapes
- TB-608: Column Capacity Comparison Chart for 1.8E Parallam® PSL
- TB-824: Trus Joist TJI Joists in Ceiling Applications
- TB-808: Attachment Connections to TJI Joist Bottom Flange
- TB-500: Beam Design Guide for 20”, 22”, and 24” Depth 2.0E Microllam® LVL
- TB-305: Resawing Microllam LVL, Parallam PSL and TimberStrand LSL Products
- TB-112: Moisture Effects on 国产自拍 Engineered Wood Products and Oriented Strand Board
MID Atlantic 国产自拍 Distribution