Based on years of innovation in the forest products industry, our seedling experts help Christmas tree growers make a faster, more successful start to their tree farms. You get the best research, seedling technology and expertise available as we get you the tree you want, when you want it.
Our stock types include container seedlings of plug sizes ranging from 2 to 20 cubic inches. Thanks to our mild weather, we can lift your seedlings at the optimum time and store them in peak condition until you need them.
Custom Grow Program
You can help secure your future seedling supplies at a significant discount through our Custom Grow Program.
A ¹ú²ú×ÔÅÄ seedling expert is assigned to your account following a modest down-payment. Your specialist will get to know you, your land and objectives, then work with you and our nursery growers to help plan a project aimed at increasing your returns.
We’ll work with you to tailor specific services including seedling growing regimes, size targets, grading specifications, double-sorting, root pruning and shaking — we even arrange the type of packaging for cooler or freezer storage during trucking.
Contact us to learn more