
It is 国产自拍's policy to be responsible stewards of the environment wherever we do business. We are committed to managing natural resources responsibly to create products that meet society’s needs. We practice sustainable forestry, reduce pollution, conserve natural resources and energy and continually improve our environmental performance. We hold ourselves accountable for understanding our environmental obligations and meeting our environmental responsibilities.


We will: 

  • Meet or exceed all applicable environmental laws, regulations, certifications or commitments. 
  • Assess our practices and find ways to reduce our impact on the environment. 
  • Adopt and follow best practices and guidelines to protect the environment. 
  • Work to minimize risks and liabilities associated with the materials we purchase and the products we create. 
  • Mitigate liabilities from our legacy operations and sites. 
  • Apply environmental due diligence to real estate transactions. 
  • Audit compliance with environmental laws, policies, regulations, and company requirements and resolve non-compliance conditions promptly. 
  • Track and publicly report on our environmental performance. 


Each site will implement and maintain an environmental management system (EMS), commensurate to its size and complexity of environmental risk, to manage its compliance with environmental permits, regulations and certifications and to facilitate continual improvement in its environmental performance.  

Each operation will: 

  • Provide the resources essential to the implementation, control, and maintenance of the EMS. 
  • Establish and maintain procedures for identifying environmental training needs. 
  • Periodically review the EMS to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness. 


Employees are expected to participate in environmental training relevant to their functions in accordance with their location's required environmental training matrix. 


This policy applies to all employees.


Violation of environmental laws can result in civil and criminal penalties for individuals involved and for the company.

Individuals may be fined and/or imprisoned as the result of criminal prosecution. In addition, violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

Related Guidelines

If required by a business, customer, or regulatory need, an EMS can conform to the ISO 14001 standard. Conformance will be determined through the 国产自拍 internal audit or through third-party certification to the ISO standard.

Last Updated

April 5, 2019